The Brief
The Counter Fraud Authority was looking to make a big impact at the prestigious NHS Confed event whilst being mindful of NHS budgets.
The key considerations were: -
• A floor space of 6 x 7m had been secured
• Seating area for approximately 20 people to view presentations
• Sufficient storage for a plethora of marketing material and merchandise
• Additional digital tech that would allow visitors to sign up to newsletters and view videos.
The Solution
I designed an eye-catching bespoke ‘minimalist style’ stand that featured a centrepiece of a 3 dimensional version of the visual identity graphic would sit inside the wall behind the
reception desk and would be lit from inside. The stand incorporated all the client
requirements of presentation and seating area of up to 20 people, option to showcase
all corporate videos and sign up to the newsletter and room to display and store the

Having enough storage space is always a struggle at events. The solution here was to use the bench seats as storage. 

A bespoke table kiosk was also deigned that housed 4 x iPads, allowing visitors to access more information about the CFA and sign up to the newsletter. It was advised that it would be a key opportunity to gather user data via questionnaires and the authority devised a digital survey using the iPads.

Key fraud prevention and fraud facts messaging were displayed around the stand with the back wall graphic showing the authorities key priority areas for the next 12 months.

The team were in awe of the finished product and judging by the reactions and comments
the client received over the two days, the stand was both striking and helped to draw in the crowds and deliver the footfall levels desired. More importantly they received a  number of referrals, which they will be investigating thoroughly.
I was responsible for the concept, entire design and project management of this stand whilst working at Cube Creative.
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